
Monday, September 23, 2013

Mumbo Jumbo

          Do you ever just get the urge to write everything down? Or just have an inkling to just sit down and write something? anything? I honestly have no point in writing this post. I just feel like I have a million and one thoughts running through my mind and need to write them out.
          Lately (the last few days) I have been feeling really grateful for the things I have. I'm not sure if it's because I got to go shopping and buy lots of goodies, or if it's the comfort of having friends around and going on adventures with them. 
          I was sitting at our friends house just last night, and I was studying for a class. I had the thought that even though I'm sitting here, doing something I could be doing on my own couch, I was happy that I had people around me. Somehow having their two daughters and Bean running around, the music from their radio, and the sound of someone cooking in the kitchen was comforting. Almost nostalgic. (I'm a big baby. I'm choking up over here writing this.) It reminds me of home, and how simple everything used to be.
         Word of advice: don't be the person who just "can't wait to grow up". Sure, it's got a lot of perks to it, but I miss how easy it was to just be. It was easy to be me, and I made it harder than it needed to be. So don't over-complicate your life, and love today. Tomorrow will always be there, and it can wait.

Love Always,
S. Smith 

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