So I just realized how long it has been since I've posted, and I must say A LOT has happened since then. I'm sorry I haven't kept you all updated! So here is a list of 18 things that have happened since Aug. 2011! (woah.) I'll try and put them in chronological order.
#1. I rescued a cat, who was left behind at my sister's apartments. I named her Cupcake
#2. I had the most amazing weekend at OSU with my best friend Mandy, her boyfriend Nick, and my man Sean
#3. At Halloween Sean carved his first pumpkin, EVER
#4. My sister Michele and her fiancé Michael were married in Las Vegas!
#5. Sean and I joined my best friend Cayla and her fiancé in Leavenworth, WA for the tree lighting
#6. Spent Christmas break in Sandy, UT with my sister Michele & her husband
#7. In March, Sean went off to basic training for The Air Force
#8. I was lucky enough to spend spring break in Maui with Michele & her husband
#9. I took one of the funnest and most rewarding classes in my college experience, black & white film photography
#10. I started working at the most AMAZING job I could have ever asked for. I could write and entire blog post about how much I truly enjoyed working at KBTC (PBS of Tacoma). If you want to know what sort of things I did there, check out:
#11. During the summer I worked, played at The Children's Museum of Tacoma, went to the zoo, hung out at the beach, and visited Sean in Texas.
#12. My best friend Cayla had her beautiful baby boy, Jayden Andrew <3
#13. In September my sister Jaimee, her three daughters and I took a trip to Forks, WA for Stephanie Meyer's Day. We had an amazing time and even won the scavenger hunt!
#14. November 16th, 2012 I married my best friend Sean Smith!
#15. November 24th, 2012 I picked up everything I owned, left behind all my friends and family and moved to Clovis, NM with Sean. He is currently stationed here at Cannon AFB.
#16. January we finally got base housing!
#17. On spring break I went back home to WA for some much needed family time.
#18. Sean and I adopted a baby pug, and named him Bean!
These are just some of my favorite highlights of the year. Of course a ton of other things happened, but if I had to add them all it would be a very lengthy post!
Know that I love ya!
love always,
S. Smith