
Saturday, January 11, 2014

College Bound!

You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...”  -Dr. Suess, Oh, the Places You'll Go.

Never did I think I would make it to this day. The day that I could officially call myself a student of a university, and speak about my fears, goals, and aspirations about living on campus in a dorm. I've never seen myself going off to college and so this is a momentous occasion for me. This may not seem like a big deal to most, and a lot of you are probably thinking, "who in their right mind would want to live in a dorm?" You're probably right... It is really strange for me to be living with someone else who isn't my husband. Which brings me to another point. Who would leave their husband to live in a dorm, and go to a university?

The answer is me. Although I love my husband with all my heart and my daily routine that I have here, we both understand that this is what needs to be done in order for me to receive my degree and start the career of my dreams. It is going to be VERY weird for me to be probably the only married woman in the dorms and living with a complete stranger (she seems super sweet though). 

Please understand that I'm not going away to college easily, and I'm going to miss my husband and my dog like crazy. Even though it's only an hour and half away and I'll be home on the weekends! It is going to be a difficult change, and I know that it will take some time to adapt to my new life. Any kind of change, big or small will make an impact on our lives, and it defiantly takes a little work to get used to.

Regardless of all of these fears, I'm excited to see what college offers me and to experience life as I never have before. Some of my goals are that I will be able to make life long friends, try new things (maybe a sport or club), spread positivity, keep my GPA at a 3.5 or higher and not gain the freshman 15! ;D (or in this case the junior 15).

All of my bags are packed and I'm ready to go! Wish me luck, and send positive vibes. Love you all!

Love always,

S. Smith

1 comment:

  1. That must of been a VERY difficult decision for you Dear Niece. I understand that Education is so very important and for you it is coming with a big sacrifice of being away from your husband and daily routine 5 days a week. How awesome that you get to have a mini honeymoon every weekend though. Without the education many of us find it too difficult to move forward in life contributing to the family income when needed. The power you have with education is so much greater! What a tremendously hard decision but you will look back and know that the 2 years of having a different routine hopefully will pay off in big ways for your life with hubby! This speaks a volume of goodness and support about your husband. Without his support it is sure to be impossible. Big Hugs!



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