
Saturday, January 1, 2011

December 2010

New year, 2011, only two more years to live guys! Let's live it up!

So this is my first attempt at a blog and I think I've re-written this sentence at least 5 times. Let's begin...
       December has been a very lovely month. I re-connected with a friend, and I'm so glad we're talking again. She has helped me through so much in the past, and I can't imagine not having her there in the future. Oh yeah! I'm working at Zumiez and I love it! My co-workers are amazing, and I'm so happy they are keeping me on past the holidays. Also.... big news! I'm engaged! Eeeeeek! it's an amazing feeling, just knowing that I am one step closer to being with the man I love forever. Sean is my best friend, not many people can say that and I consider myself very lucky. On our two years, he took me to Seattle and we had lunch in the space needle! It was awesome! After lunch, we went to Pike's Place Market and we went into La Panier (a French bakery). I ordered in French! Merci Madame Swigart, pour m'apprendre la langue française! Then we went and saw The Nutcracker! I am a sucker for ballets :P       I think this Christmas has been one of the best so far, but I am anxious to start January, because... school starts on Monday! My first day of college! I'm so excited to get my future bakery started!  I recently had a "mocktail party". It was really fun to dress up and be with my friends. I'm really glad I have them in my life. My best friend, Mandy, was home from college. Along with her boyfriend. It was really great to see them together, and to have her over! I miss that girl! And now that it's 2011, many new things are going to happen. So BRING IT ON!!!! well, I think this may have been a good first post....

Tune in next time!
All my love,
S. Hadley

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