I just finished watching the documentary "Bully" directed by Lee Hirsch. The movie touches on five different families that have been affected and suffered by bullying. I definitely recommend giving it watch.
The movie has left me with a million thoughts that I can't help but want to share it with everyone. I hope that I can clearly explain, and inspire anyone who reads this. After reading this, If you are so inspired to share it with others, please do!
I had a feeling that I would cry while watching this documentary. Having dealt first hand with bullying all throughout my secondary schooling, I could relate with some of the stories being told. Although I was bullied, it wasn't as severe as what others suffer through. The documentary has sparked something within me and quite frankly, made me angry. I'm angry that things still haven't changed in the world. I'm angry that schools are no longer a safe place for students. I'm angry that so many people place bullying on a back burner, let it simmer until the pot turns black. Why is bullying ignored every day? Even though so many people witness it constantly?
So many people believe that if they don't stick up for themselves or for others, someone else will. And that is where so many people are wrong. A lot of the time people simply ignore bullying. Students see it on the bus, in the halls of their schools, and even in their classrooms. It shocks me that so many people will walk this Earth, and choose to allow another fellow being to be beat up, degraded, and mistreated. Parents often do this too. Along with teachers, principles guidance counselors, and other authority figures.
I propose that we start to strive for change. And I mean BIG change. Parents need to in instill in their kids the idea that if anyone, anyone at all picks on them to not be afraid to stand up for themselves or to tell an adult they trust. Children also need to understand the importance of standing up for others. The fact is, if you don't stand up for someone when they can't, you're allowing that bully to continue, and to think what they are doing is okay. Deep down we all know bullying is wrong, and cruel. It's not as simple as "kids will be kids". Bullying is not something to be taken lightly. Please understand that.
Another thing that angers me is that the only time the world takes notice to bullying is by the victim taking their own life. In the documentary, they show a family whose eleven year old son has committed suicide. ELEVEN YEARS OLD. I do not have my own children, but I know many children around that age. And I'm sure most of you reading do as well. Can you imagine losing someone so young to their own hand? Can you imagine losing your 16 year old, or 13 year old? What about your nieces or nephews? These groups are not the only people to be tormented by bullying. Anyone who interacts with other people are susceptible to abuse.
I believe that as people, it is our duty to stand up for these people. To give those who are gone and those who cannot speak up for themselves a voice. A voice so loud and clear that the whole world understands and hears our message. It doesn't matter if you look different, where certain clothes, come from diverse backgrounds, are LGBT, or just different. NO ONE deserves to be treated badly. No one on this Earth deserves to be abused by their peers.
Take a stand. Stop Bullying.
Spread Kindness.
Spread Kindness.
know that I love ya!
love always,
S. Smith
S. Smith