
Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Hi everyone! I know, It's been a long time... I've been busy with school, and work.
         Since it's Valentine's Day I thought I would post something. I want to know what other people think of Valentine's Day. Do you think it's superficial? or do you like the idea of having one day to go out of the way to show someone how much you care about them? Well if you hadn't guessed yet, I'm defiantly the second one. I love having one day out of the year to tell everyone I love them and people won't think I'm overly nice. :P Honestly, I love to think everyday is Valentine's Day. Every one in our lives deserve to know how much they matter, and that without them life would never be the same.
          To all my girls alone this Valentine's Day, Remember that I love you! You don't need a man to make you happy! If your single this Valentine's Day, who cares?! Instead of worrying about not having a date, worry about making yourself feel loved. This Valentine's Day is your "me day". Write down everything you love about yourself. Dance around to your favorite song, and eat all the chocolate your heart desires. Who says Valentine's Day has to be the saddest day in the year? Embrace your single life, get together with your closest friend, and just have fun. Maybe take yourself out on a date! You deserve all the love in the world. And remember, you're the only person who can make yourself feel down. Other people can say things to you, but only you can take them to heart. If you're wishing you had a man today, forget it! That special someone is right around the corner. He may not come today, next week, or next month. But trust me he will come.
          As I sit in the library at school this morning, I see a mixture of faces. Some are happy, and some look depressed. I wish I could walk up to every one who is feeling down and tell them that they are loved. Statistics say the suicide rates rise on V-Day. So please, tell all the people around you that they are wanted, and they are needed!
         So ladies, and maybe a few gents. Enjoy this day, whether you are single or not, Valentine's Day doesn't have to suck. I may not know you, but I love you. And there are a ton of other people who love you too.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud."

Bonne Saint-Valentin,
S. Hadley <3

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